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At Germantown Home, we understand that your role as a professional caregiver, social worker or discharge planner is vital to the health and well-being of the seniors you serve. We also recognize the value you place on quality, trust and efficiency. That’s why our skilled professional team works so diligently to make the admission and discharge processes as smooth, as quick and as seamless as possible. To learn more about what makes Germantown Home unique, click here.
To learn more about our Social Work Team, please click HERE.
When you refer a senior to Germantown Home, you can rest assured that our expert professional staff will provide the high-quality long-term, skilled or respite services your senior needs. Located within 8 miles of a number of hospitals and rehab centers, Germantown Home is closer than your think. Click HERE to see a map of where we are located in relation to many of the hospitals and rehab facilities you know and trust.
To make a referral, click here, or call 215-848-3306. We accept admissions 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
To read more about Germantown and the services we offer, click HERE:
When considering a nursing home for your loved one, please consider Germantown Home. Recent ratings posted on Medicare.gov show that among nursing homes located within a five-mile radius, Germantown Home consistently gains high star ratings on topics most caregivers consider “most important. To compare and view a snapshot of several nursing homes in the area and how Germantown Home stacks up, click HERE.
We want to know about you and your and clients’ experience at Germantown Home. Google reviews is an easy way to let us and the larger community know. Please click HERE to view a flyer about how to easily leave a Google review.
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