-We are holding our “Flower and Art Exhibit” on Thursday, May 19 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.
Please join us to meet the artists, view their artistry and enjoy small bites by Eatible Delights Catering.
To RSVP please email jmaddox@newcourtland.org or give her a call at 267-970-0285.
For more information, click HERE.
We look forward to seeing you there!
-We are excited to announce Caregiving NOW, a new recurring webinar series in conjunction with the NewCourtland Center for Transitions and Health.
Join us for a closer look at the caregiving crisis in U.S. and the innovative solutions for reshaping the caregiving landscape. Learn from innovators and thought leaders from multiple sectors engaged in the caregiving space.
This will be a recurring series that starts on June 8, 2022.
For more information and to check out a list of additional dates, click HERE.
To register, click HERE.
We hope that you will join us!
February 15, 2022
Dear Family/Resident Representative,
In accordance with Federal regulations, this is the yearly educational information for the influenza vaccine.
This document is called the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) and is issued from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). You are receiving this VIS to enable you to discuss and make an informed decision regarding the influenza immunization.
In accordance with CDC regulations, the facility must ensure that:
- Each resident is offered an influenza immunization October 1 through May 1st annually, unless:
- Immunization is medically contraindicated
- The resident has already been immunized during this time
- Resident has an allergic reaction to eggs/vaccine
- Each resident or the resident representative receives education regarding the benefits and potential side effects of the Influenza Immunization
- The resident or the resident representative has the opportunity to refuse the immunization
- Resident’s medical record includes documentation of influenza immunization or refusal of immunization
For more information on influenza you can visit the CDC website at www.cdc.org , or you can contact the facility.
Yours Sincerely,
Germantown Administration
December 8, 2021
On Thursday, December 16 at 2:00 PM NewCourtland and the Germantown Home will be hosting a virtual education session regarding the COVID-19 booster shot. This session is open to staff, residents and residents’ families
Dr. Neil Pitts, a pharmacist and clinical researcher, Dr. Ashley Ritter, Director of Clinical Care Research for NewCourtland, and staff from Germantown Home will be in attendance to present information and answer questions.
Please make time to check it out. For more information, click HERE
To register, please go to bit.ly/NCBoosterInfo
November 1, 2021
UPDATE on GTH’s visitation plan for the holiday season
Greetings Family and Friends,
It’s the Holiday season and Germantown Home is very excited to share some news with our Residents, Families and Friends. Effective December 1st, we will be “OPENING OUR DOORS” for visitation to everyone (vaccinated and unvaccinated) without appointments. Because of space restrictions, this does not apply to groups of 3 or more.
While we are excited to welcome everyone, we do have a few “Core Principles” that must be followed by everyone:
- Observe social distancing (six feet)
- Complete a health screen before entry
- Use hand sanitizer upon entry
- Use hand sanitizer before entering visitation area and upon leaving visitation area
- A close fitting face covering/mask must be worn at all times (we understand removal during your initial greeting with your loved one such as a kiss and hug)
- Small children must be able to wear a mask during visits
Please continue to schedule visits until 12/01/2021 and stay tuned to our website, www.germantownhome.org, for more information.
You can also reach out to Dameica at 215-951-7513 and Priya at 215-951-7500 for more information.
Warmest regards,
Germantown Home Administration
November 1, 2021
UPDATE on GTH’s visitation plan for the holiday season

November 1, 2021
Germantown Home Staff and residents celebrated Halloween this year by having a decades Party. Staff chose characters representing various decades, while residents represented the “Roaring 20s”. There was a best dress contest which was judged by the residents and everyone enjoyed food, beverages, music and being together once again!

GTH October 26, 2021 UPDATE
Greetings Family and Friends,
We are notifying you that we have had a vaccinated employee test positive for COVID-19. This employee followed social distancing and mask procedures at all times while at Germantown Home. Residents and staff who had recent contact with this employee have been tested for COVID-19 and all tests were normal. To date, no one has had any signs or symptoms.
Applicable resident representatives have been contacted. We will continue to carefully follow infection prevention processes, including monitoring of our residents and staff.
Please contact at (215) 848-3306 Priya Cavanaugh -ext:7500 or Ed Lowe- ext. 4434 if you have any questions or concerns.
Kindest regards,
Dameica Rockingham, ANHA
October 12, 2021
We want to know what you think about your and your loved one’s experience at Germantown Home. Google reviews is an easy way to let us and the larger community know. Please click HERE to view a flyer about how to easily leave a Google review. Or you can just aim your Smart Phone camera on this QR code:

September 14, 2021
Creativity is an open window for healing, hope, and harmony–especially for our seniors. Rothkoff firm invited Germantown Home residents to get creative for Rothkoff Law Firm’s 2022 Create a Calendar Project. Twelve organizations were selected and were asked to get creative with drawing, painting, or whatever artwork moves you. The selected artwork will be featured in the yearly calendar, with one month dedicated to Germantown Home.
Each selected organization received a $100 gift card for art supplies in support of this project. Germantown Home residents Were given the Month of July to Unleash their creativity. Check out the pictures below to see how our residents expressed their creativity!

August 31, 2021
Dear GTH Family and Friends,
Due to the increase in COVID cases in Philadelphia, we are modifying our on-unit visitation policy.
Effective September 1st: all scheduled visits will occur in our 1st floor Recreation Room.
The process for scheduling a visit remains the same (all visits need to be scheduled with the front desk by calling 215-848-3306) and in-room Hospice visits will be unchanged.
Thank you for your understanding, especially during these unusual times.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Dameica Rockingham, Assistant Administrator, at (215) 951-7513 ext. 7513.
Kindest regards,
August 17, 2021
Dear RRs of Germantown Home residents,
After many years of practicing medicine in the rehabilitation and nursing home setting, I have decided to pursue another career pathway. I will be leaving Germantown Home as Medical Director and attending physician after November 30, 2021.
I will be working to ensure a smooth transition of my Germantown Home patients to other physicians in the coming months. You will soon be receiving information from Germantown Home about physicians who will be joining the staff, and timing and process for transitioning to a new physician.
It has been an privilege to work at Germantown Home and to care for the resident community, including your resident. I wish the best for you and your Germantown Home resident.
Mary Schuler MD
To view this letter, please click HERE.
August 16, 2021
Update on GTH’s visitation plan
Greetings Families and Friends,
Germantown Home has made some changes to the scheduling a visit process at your loved one’s home. Starting Thursday, August 12, 2021, all visits need to be scheduled with the front desk by calling 215-848-3306, Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We also have a few areas we are asking for your continued cooperation:
We wanted to take this time to update our residents’ families and friends on how we are ensuring that we stay ahead of any unforeseen issues and manage this ongoing situation
- No pets.
- No children under the age 16.
- Two people per visit.
- You must utilize hand sanitizer before, during and after your visit.
- All visitors must abide by social distancing regulations.
- All visitors must fill out the screening form (which is available in the lobby) and bring it with you to the front desk reception area for review.
- Visits are no longer than 30 minutes. This will allow for time to properly sanitize each area after each visit.
The Administrative Team appreciates your cooperation and understanding as we vigilantly aim to provide a safe home for you and your loved ones.
Thank you and kindest regards,
Germantown Home Administration
August 2,2021
When considering a nursing home for your loved one, please consider Germantown Home. Recent ratings posted on Medicare.gov show that among nursing homes located within a five mile radius, Germantown Home consistently gains high star ratings on topics most caregivers consider “most important. To compare and view a snapshot of several nursing homes in the area and how Germantown Home stacks up, click HERE.
June 23, 2021
Every month Germantown Home celebrates the birthdays of our residents. Our celebration for the June birthdays just happened to also be 100th birthday of beloved resident Ms. Annabelle Crutchfield. Residents celebrated Ms. Annabelle’s special day by presenting her with hand written special notes. The party was a surprise for Ms. Annabelle as the TR Department decorated a table in her honor.
Ms. Annabelle looked out at the residents who were in attendance and stated: “As I look out at the people and the array of colors all around, it is like a beautiful flower unfolding for the first time… what a beautiful sight to see”.
During the party, residents enjoyed live entertainment from singer Patrice Hawthorne who you may know as “Peaches” from the famous Duo, “Peaches and Herb”. Everyone in attendance truly enjoyed celebrating with Ms. Crutchfield.
Happy 100th Birthday Ms. Annabelle, we truly love you!!!

May 21, 2021
On Friday May 21st, the Philadelphia Garden Club donated four beautiful planters to the Germantown Home. The Club did this as part of their civic beautification project. The gardeners were on site and with some assistance, assembled the planters much to our residents amazement. the planters, which were loaded with annuals and perennials added to the beauty of our outdoor living space. As you can see in the pictures (below), the planters are a welcomed addition to our patio.

Also on Friday May 21st, residents had an opportunity to participate in pet therapy for the first time since the beginning of the Pandemic. We at Germantown Home have a special love for pets, especially dogs, and that is why when the pandemic began, the Physical Therapy staff purchased a life size stuffed Beagle to help continue the therapy in a different way.
Fast forward many months later… we discovered that one our TR assistants, Craig Garris, owns a beautiful 10-month-old purebred Beagle named Skye. We knew we had to bring her in to meet our residents. The wonderful look on our residents’ faces when they met and were able to pet Skye were priceless. Thank You Skye and Craig for brightening up our residents day. We look forward to many more visits. Welcome to the Germantown Home Family Skye!!!

May 20, 2021
During the week pf April 19, 2021, residents of the Germantown Home participated in the Inaugural Germantown Home Golden Games.
The Golden Games originated as a city wide annual event that took place at the Carousel House. Nursing Homes from across the city competed against each other in hope that they may be able to house the Golden Trophy at their facility for one entire year. Each year the winning team attempts defend their title as champs. Due to the Pandemic, the Golden Games did not occur, so the TR Department at Germantown Home decided to create our own facility wide Golden Games Tournament. Each unit competed against one another. The Unit with the most points won the Trophy prize to be housed on their unit. The Games Included: T -ball, Volley Ball, Corn Hole and soccer. Check out the pictures below to see the wonderful time that was enjoyed by both residents and staff alike.

May 19, 2021
Last week the Germantown Home Celebrated “Nursing Home Week”. All week long residents and staff safely participated in planned activities throughout the building, both inside and out. In addition to our regularly scheduled activities (a calendar for which can be found HERE), residents were also treated to an outdoor concert, a BBQ and indoor picnics as well. Please check out the photos below to see our staff and residents as they celebrate.

May 4, 2021 update on GTH’s visitation plan
All visitations must be scheduled by the unit clerks or a designee. A log will be maintained and provided daily to each unit to anticipate and prepare visiting areas. The contact numbers to schedule a visit are:
- Point Breeze (2nd floor): 215-951-7632
- Caring Courtyard (3rd floor): 215-951-7633
- Four Seasons Terrace (4th floor): 215-951-7634
April 30, 2021 update on COVID-19
Please click HERE to read an update from the GTH Medical Director, Dr. Mary Schuler.
April 26, 2021 update on GTH’s visitation plan
Germantown Home has updated their visitation plan. Please click HERE to view the plan. If you have any questions, or need any other information, please call the front desk at 215-848-3306.
January 5, 2020
Germantown Home residents and employees started receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine . If you have an questions about the program, the GTH staff has created a FAQ document that you can access HERE.
December 10, 2020
Dear Resident Representative:
As you know, the COVID-19 virus continues to spread at a rapid pace, killing thousands of Americans every day and disproportionately impacting older people. Fortunately, there has been great progress in vaccine development. Two similar vaccines (from the Pfizer and Moderna corporations) have been shown to be highly effective and very safe. The vaccine is expected to become available for emergency use within the next few weeks.
The Federal government is offering the first available COVID-19 vaccine doses to highest risk people. This includes health care workers as well as residents of long-term care facilities. The vaccine is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged by health experts. It is a critical tool to save lives and to get the pandemic under control.
Germantown Home is participating in this vaccine program. The CVS pharmacy corporation will handle the vaccine distribution process for Germantown Home. CVS personnel will be coming to Germantown Home to give the injections to all residents and staff members who choose to receive it.
Although the vaccine does not offer 100% protection from COVID-19, it greatly reduces the risk of illness. Extensive safety evaluation of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in tens of thousands of research participants showed side effects similar to those seen with other vaccines (such as the flu vaccine), mainly temporary soreness at the injection site and fatigue. The potential life-saving benefits of the vaccine appear to far outweigh the risk of minor side effects. It is highly recommended for the protection of residents of long-term care communities, including those who previously recovered from COVID-19. However, due to two reported cases of allergic reactions, the vaccine is currently not recommended for people with a history of certain serious allergies.
The vaccine involves two injections given approximately three weeks apart. The first injection is expected to be given during the week of 12/21/2020 or the week of 12/28/2020. A staff member will contact you soon to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine program and to address questions that you may have. If you choose for your Germantown Home resident to receive the vaccine, you will complete a vaccine consent form.
Please seriously consider the COVID-19 vaccine for your loved one. If you have any questions, please contact the unit manager for your resident. If require more information, a member of the medical team will gladly get back to you.
Mary Schuler, MD
Medical Director, Germantown Home
November 4, 2020
On October 28, 2020 Germantown Home hosted a costume party for residents and staff. The theme of the party is “The Wizard of Oz Meets The Wiz”. Staff and residents alike got dressed up as their favorite character from “The Wizard of Oz” or “The Wiz”. Staff decorated the halls of Germantown Home and made the event a festive celebration to help brighten the day and get everyone excited for Halloween. Their truly is no place like “Germantown” home!

October 12, 2020

On October 28th, Germantown Home will be hosting an in house costume party. All residents ad staff are invited to attend. If you have family who is a resident at Germantown Home, please reach out to make sure your loved one participates.
October 8, 2020
Dear Family Member/Resident Representative,
“Flu Season” is approaching once again. Starting in October, we will give the flu vaccine to all of our residents unless the attending physician determines there is a specific medical reason why the resident should not receive the vaccine or the resident refuses to take the vaccine.
Any letters or forms regarding the flu vaccine, which were signed in the past, are no longer in effect.
As we prepare to immunize our residents with the influenza (flu) vaccine, we offer you the following information about the vaccine.
Influenza vaccine is the primary method for preventing influenza and the more severe complications of influenza. Vaccination is recommended for groups of persons who are at increased risk for complications from influenza including persons over 65 years of age and residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities as well as persons of any age who have chronic medical conditions.
The influenza vaccine should not be administered to the following individuals:
-Anyone who is allergic to chicken eggs.
-Anyone who has ever had Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
-Any woman who is or may be pregnant.
-Anyone who has a fever, the vaccine may be given after the fever and any other symptom subside.
Possible side effects from the vaccine include:
-Soreness at the injection site, which may last from 1–2 days.
-Fever or mild aches, which may last from 1–2 days.
-Allergic reactions.
The vaccine will be ordered by the resident’s attending physician and administered once from October 2020 up until May 2021.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 215-951-7500.
For more information from the Center for Disease Controls about the flu vaccine click here .
Priya Cavanaugh Infection Preventionist
October 5, 2020
At Germantown Home we take pride in the fact that our staff goes above and beyond to make our residents feel safe and that their families’ feel that their loved one is being looked after. This is especially the case with our social work team. To learn more about what separates our Social Workers from the pack, click HERE.
September 29, 2020

On Friday, August 28, 2020, NewCourtland and Germantown Home hosted a ceremony at our Germantown Campus to dedicate a memorial garden to those we have lost during the pandemic.
The ceremony was a celebration to honor the lives we have lost due of COVID-19 and was attended by NewCourtland and Germantown Home staff along with our resident’s family members. The event featured art created by residents and speakers from NewCourtland, Germantown Home, members of the clergy and was punctuated by prayers, poetry readings and musical interludes.
The garden, which sits in front of our iconic carillon on a beautiful parcel of grass covered and tree shaded land, features a sitting area, a fountain and engraved pavers which honor each of those who have passed as a result of COVID-19.
The garden is named after and dedicated in honor of one of Germantown Homes most beloved and long time employees, Annetta “Sargent” Martin. As we continue to battle this virus, this garden will serve as a place for our families and staff members to take refuge and pay respects to those we have lost.

May 4th, 2020
On April 28, 2020 Germantown Home staff and residents gathered to not only view the flyover by the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds, but to also honor the frontline workers of Germantown Home. Staff and residents alike viewed the spectacle from windows or outside on our beautiful Germantown Campus. “Today was a beautiful day and this flyover was a unique way to honor staff at Germantown Home who have been working day and night to not only provide healthcare, but also a clean and safe environment for our residents and our staff” said Alison Corter, Director of Marketing and Business Development for NewCourtland, the owner of Germantown Home.
The staff at Germantown Home have been working tirelessly over the past 6 weeks to ensure the safety of our residents and their co-workers and today was a thank you to them from everyone for their constant effort. Without our front line heroes leading the way, the situation at Germantown Home and many other health care facilities would be much worse. Please take a second to thank the healthcare workers who you know and who make the sacrifice everyday for us and for each other.